Articles by davidscott

Military Rules

Military Rules During my time in the Marine Corps one of our favorite pastimes was making fun of other branches of the military.  I quickly learned that other branches had the same idea of fun. …


Ruby Ruby is a mixed-breed dog.  Her original owner dropped her off at an animal shelter when the pup was only seven months old.  After several attempts, she was deemed unadoptable and scheduled to be…

Mothers’ Day

Mothers’ Day I remember the day like a scene from my favorite movie.  Annie and I hadn’t been married a year yet.  She was attending the University of Missouri in Columbia and close to earning…

Fat Camp – Part 2

Fat Camp – Part 2 Halfway there! As you know from Part 1 of Fat Camp, six members of our family have undertaken a friendly competition of exercise and diet as a way of motivating…

Fat Camp – Part 1

Fat Camp – Part 1 A Weight-Loss Contest Many of you know that I had a couple minor strokes a few years back.  As a result I gave up working out.  That meant no weightlifting…

Rele-e-e-ease the Quackin!

Rele-e-e-ease the Quackin! Let me start off this post with a confession.  I chose the title because I heard it on a YouTube video and liked it so much that I stole it. Another confession:…

Mom was wrong?

Mom was wrong? Most of our mothers never intentionally lied to us.  No, but they did tell us old wives’ tales.  Of course, they did that to teach us young-‘uns things that would protect us…

Choosing Chicks

Choosing Chicks The last flock of chickens I owned had a pretty good life with me…with a couple exceptions.  I bought them as day-old chicks and raised them to lay eggs for my family.  When…

What He Said

What He Said When I was a teenager in the 1970s, I bought a poster at the local Magic Mart.  It featured a picture of a Native American named Sealth and included a few words…